Monday 27 February 2006

The labels we choose.

content deleted by author


DaniGirl said...

My mom accuses me of overthinking my parenting all the time!

I really like what you said about how we automatically assume we are bad parents and spend all our time trying to compensate and rationalize. I'd further say that the parents who truly are in trouble are the ones who think they're perfect, or don't care. Kind of like the old saying, if you are wondering whether you are insane, you probably aren't.

Very interesting post!

Miche said...

Hi Dani!

How good of you to work your way through the post! (I can't believe how long it got!)

I'm counting on you being right regarding the "parents who truly are in trouble are the ones who think they're perfect, or don't care." It's the only concrete marker I have to go by!

Mrs. Coulter said...

Great post!