Saturday 25 August 2007

Give and take

content deleted by the author


Anonymous said...

You're not the only one. My summer has been the same way.

KLee said...

Don't feel bad about about not stretching yourself so thin. I think it's much better to say that you aren't available rather than say that you'll help and then not be able to.

I think it's more important to you that your time is well spent with your family, and if your friends are truly friends, they understand that you are busy.

Miche said...

My gosh Andrea ... you are most definitely stretched beyond your limit! In fact, I'm disappointed there was nothing I could offer to lighten YOUR load!

KLee: Thanks for the supportive comments. I hope that you're right. I think I need to learn that the world's problems aren't mine alone to solve!

Gwyn said...

It is hard with so many competing demands on our time. When our kids are so little it is hard to find the time to commit to much of anything (which is in itself an act of giving). I figure do what one can and there will be time in the future for larger scale giving.

Anonymous said...

tomama: Good to know I'm not the only one in the boat!