Sunday 28 August 2011

RBO: Unexpressed Anger

In a perfect world, I would be able to let day-to-day irritations slide as per this Buddhist parable. Some days, however, it seems like I have a big basket of things I hold in my head. I'm hoping to put a bunch of them down here now, so I don't have to carry them anymore.

  • Why are there so many people out there with double standards? Why is it OK for you to do rude things to me but I have to be perfect and polite back or else you get snarky?

  • When I'm stopped at an intersection, with the sounds of an emergency vehicle blaring close by, it is NOT okay to lean on your horn expecting me to move, even if the light is green. Chances are I don't think it's safe. Oh, and it's the law.

  • When I've been a good friend to you by going with you to the movies (even when I don't feel like it), seeing a genre Q show (even though I don't generally like genre Q) with your favourite actor (even though I don't like him) when there are a bunch of other movies I would have rather seen, I don't much like it when I express an interest in a genre Q movie with one of my favourite actors (you say you don't like genre Q) and when I talk outloud about wondering whether or not I'm going to see the show in theatre or on DVD (without even asking you to see it with me), you state "you could just not see it."

  • Why is it okay for you to ask me for favours when you spent significant periods of time pretending I don't exist?

  • What gives you the right to insult my heritiage in from of wM? You have your issues with me, I know, but do not drag wM into it.

Thankfully these issues are not all from the same person.

Thank you for letting me unburden myself of them here.

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