Sunday 9 April 2006

How do you know when you're done?

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Anonymous said...

I don't think selfish or unselfish enters into it--it's just you and your family and your situation, and what makes good sense for you. And I don't think there's one right answer, either; but if you approach it thoughtfully and carefully you will find the answer that's right for you.

Good luck! Whenever it is you decide yea or nay, I wish you much joy and peace in your decision.

Anonymous said...

Beanie Baby: Thanks for your thoughtful and non-judgemental approach! I knew with every fibre of my being that weeMiche was the Right Thing To Do. I lack that certainty with either choice right now (add or hold). Which means, of course, that now is not the right time to decide! Procrastination... the temporary answer to everything!

DaniGirl said...

I had started to comment on this yesterday, but got interrupted...

This is a hard call at any time. If it weren't for frostie, I don't think I would have even considered three - but now that we've decided, I can't imagine why we'd limited ourselves. Oh wait, what the money (or lack thereof), the patience (or lack thereof), the abuse to my body, the sleep deprivation, the lack of space in the house, the fact that they'll outnumber us... all that, and yet the joy of yet another human being to love outweighs it all. I'm terrified at the idea of upsetting our family 'balance', tenuous though it is. But what the heck. The universe in its wisdom will make the right choice for us. I hope!

Anonymous said...

Dani, I have no doubt that you'll have a stellar family of five! I'll be reading your every post on the matter.

Allison said...

What Beanie baby said. I don't regret the family size (3 kids, 1 on the way). For me, personally, I would have regretted spacing them closer than they are (about 3 years apart) because I have difficult pregnancies and, honestly, not a lot of patience with toddlers. Two at a time would send me right over the edge. Some of my friends have kids 18 months apart and love it, though. YMMV.

I know I'm done now because my family feels complete to me. Also, I don't want to be pregnant again, ever. Which may be selfish, but my husband also doesn't want me to be pregnant again, ever.

Anonymous said...

Allison: Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's really appreciated!

You raise an interesting point about age difference. I think that two in diapers would send me over the edge too! I hadn't really considered spacing them out more.
