Wednesday 29 November 2006

How much is too much information?

content deleted by author


Anonymous said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry you're paying for coming out to see us on the weekend.

We got your thank you card, by the way. It is very cute, and Frances loves it--she opens it and sings the alphabet song as if reading from it.

Anonymous said...

Case in point. This is why I stick to neutral and happy. Andrea, I hope you know that this post wasn't about making you feel bad! (And really, it shouldn't have been a problem. I drove up that way earlier this year and it wasn't. Guess I'm just not as healthy as I thought!)

Glad Frances is enjoying her correspondence!

Anonymous said...

Of course I know that! But I'm also not going to be thrilled if you're in pain. It's part of that whole, you know, friendship thing.

I hope you don't think you need to keep yourself neutral and happy around me just because I might be sad if you're not feeling well. I have a thick enough skin that I can take it. REally.

Anonymous said...

*big appreciative smile*